Office Visits

Our practice is committed to providing you and your family with safe, gentle, high-quality dental care. We understand that your child may feel anxious about visiting the dentist. We are sensitive to children’s needs and it is our goal to make your child feel comfortable visiting our practice while providing the best care possible.

Your first visit is all about your child — his or her comfort, happiness, and health.

During your child’s first visit, we will review their dental and medical history forms, and take X-rays of their teeth and mouth. Then, the doctor will meet with you and your child to discuss the X-rays, help create an individual treatment plan, and answer any questions that you may have. At your child’s next visit, one of our hygienists will clean and polish their teeth, checking for any cavities or early signs of tooth decay or gingivitis.

Bring your smile, but also remember to bring these with you to your child’s first appointment:

Regular checkups are an important part of maintaining a healthy smile!

The American Dental Association recommends that children visit the dentist every six months for regular checkups and routine teeth cleanings to keep their teeth and gums healthy.

We understand that your family has a busy schedule, so when you’re preparing for a dental visit, please remember that an appointment can last between 20 and 40 minutes.

COVID-19 Protocol

We are confident that as we open our doors, our COVID-19 protocols go above and beyond those recommendations to keep you and our staff safe. We realize that many of these measures might be inconvenient to you and your family. However, we feel that these policies are essential for everyone’s safety.

  • Screening of all patients and employees for symptoms of Coronavirus daily.
  • All patients are required to answer a Covid-19 consent & screening questionnaire upon arrival for each visit.
  • You will be asked to hand wash or use hand sanitizer before entering the office. You will also find hand sanitizers throughout the office.
  • To minimize the number of people in the waiting room, we ask you to call or text our office and wait in your car upon your arrival so we can direct you appropriately.
  • Only scheduled patients will be allowed in the treatment areas. We ask that only one parent accompany the patient to check-in, but we urge you to wait in your car during treatment.
  • Increased PPE for all our staff and an extensive daily screening process has been implemented for both our team and patients.

We look forward to seeing you again and are happy to answer any questions you may have about implementation of these procedures to keep you, our staff and every patient, safe in our practice.

Thank you for your patience and flexibility during these times as we are implementing additional safety measures for everyone.

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(479) 326-7551
880 E Centerton Blvd
Centerton, AR 72719